Hobson’s Choice (2019)

A sparkling revival of one of the great classics of British Theatre,

Starring John D Collins, best known from BBC tv’s smash hit ‘Allo! Allo!’, this new production has already earned ★★★★+ reviews across the board and will tour again following its Suffolk revival.

First produced in England in 1916 and seen recently in London’s West End. 2018 marked the sixtieth anniversary of the playwright’s death. In this fresh new production, the action of the play moves forward in time from late-nineteenth century Salford to the year 1958. Rock and roll may have arrived and the youth revolution may be just around the corner, but in Hobson’s shoe shop ‘Queen Victoria’ might as well still be on the throne.

Their wireless and a secret treasured Dansette record player keep the three girls tuned to the hit parade, but when eldest daughter Maggie has had enough and breaks free, taking Willie Mossop the bootmaker with her, the younger sisters Vickey and Alice feel free to make their own escape from home and from ‘trade.’